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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

As history repeats itself, so too did the method in which Britain continued to fight its major wars. It failed to incorporate the necessary lessons learned and tactical transformations necessary to remain prepared for the next war, and instead relied upon its Army's ability to quickly adapt 'on-the-fly', altering their own tactics as the war progressed. However, the British involvement in the Crimean War lasted for only two years, and this time around, by the British Army had made the necessary changes--realignment of its administrative departments, including the establishment of a transport department, with replacement pack animals under a logistical support system that made sense, and the arrival of reserve troops--the war was over. Although the mishandling of the entire affair prompted the removal of most of the over-aged senior leadership and provided a baptism-by-fire that allowed the surviving junior officers to ascend into positions of power that would be utilized to continue British influence in Africa and Asia, it fell victim to the age-old cycle of recruit-war-release, and the war machine that the regular home-based army had just become, was just as quickly dismantled. The attention was turned once again to the extension of Pax Britannica.…

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