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785 Ft
134 Ft
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651 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 24.01.2005.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Through the centuries at the shore of the Baltic sea in the amber land named Latvia lives a small, but with something special nation. I won’t say that it is the best, the cleverest, the most beautiful or the powerful one. It would be wrong, because the same someone else could say about some other nation or state. But it has happened so, that I have born here – in this place of the huge world – somewhere between 580th and 560th North width – it is only the territory, which includes blue lakes of Latgale and small hills, which Latvians proudly name mountains. Yes, if only a man doesn’t look for branches of palms or the ice space of the Arctic, the nature of Latvia could really seem beautiful to him.
Latvia is the place where comes together Latvians to live in peace, to work hardly and sometimes to celebrate.
Latvia is also the seaside of the Baltic sea, it is a lightly smelling short time ago mowed hay, also the mysterious surroundings of the Turaida’s castle. I think that all these objects of nature, all these small parts make my Latvia special and unrepeatable.…

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