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eKönyvtár könyvtár
Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

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968 Ft
175 Ft
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793 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 12.06.2013.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 6 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

To sum up, good health and education has only positive impact on labour productivity. I am also currently employed as a waitress in a restaurant. Speaking about the policy of this restaurant about the labour productivity, they do not care about their employees, but they do care about the profits which they are able to get from us. For example, we do not have any health care, even if we obligatory need to go to the doctor to check our health for the certificates which restaurant needs to show at the verification, we have to pay for it our own money! Also this restaurant has an interesting approach how to increase our productivity- the punishments, which are against the law in Latvia. For example, if we are late for work, there is a penalty of 15 LVL. Because of the penalties, waitresses sometimes go to the work being ill. I think that it is not a good way how to motivate us to work better. Also we have to work about 10-13 hours per day, but by law it is only 6 hours per day for the waitresses. It also decreases our labour productivity because at the end of the day we very tired physically and morally. Despite this, one good thing is done at my work place. Our employer cares about our education, sometimes we are sent to courses to get more knowledge and to be more qualified, for example, some months ago, I was sent to the class of the serving of the wine. Speaking about Latvia’s labour productivity, it has been increasing last 15 years, according to data of European Central Bank.…

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