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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 06.05.2009.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Irodalom: 14 egység
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
Szám Fejezet  Oldal.
  Introduction    4
1.  1900 – 1920    5
1.1.  Advertising becomes a profession    6
1.2.  1900’s – 1910’s    7
1.3.  The Coca-Cola Company    8
2.  1921 – 1940    9
2.1.  1920’s – 1930’s    10
2.2.  Constructivism and surrealism    11
2.3.  The father of Christmas    12
3.  1941 -1960    12
3.1.  1940’s - 1950’s    14
3.2.  Red on red    15
3.3.  “The first big change in soap making in 2,000 years.”    16
3.4.  The first commercial for Coca - Cola    17
4.  1961 – 1980    18
4.1.  1960’s – 1970’s    19
4.2.  The art of business    20
4.3.  The high – rated profession    21
4.4.  Absence of a product    22
5.  1980 – 2000    23
5.1.  1980’s – 2000’s    24
5.2.  The art of advertising    26
5.3.  The Silk Cut    27
5.4.  Variations on a theme    28
5.5.  The significance of slogans    29
5.6.  Public service advertising    30
5.6.1.  New World Thinking    30
5.6.2.  It does matter    31
5.6.3.  The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence    31
  Practical part    33
  Conclusion    36
  Bibliography    37
  Annotation    38
  Appendix    39

Half between craft and business, rooted into art and social science, advertising surrounds us every day of our life. Evidence of advertising can be found in cultures that existed thousands of years ago, but advertising became a major industry only in the 20th century. The difference between the first advertising and modern industry lies in the context of consumption. Most economists believe that advertising has a positive impact on the economy because it stimulates demand for products and services, strengthening the economy by promoting the sale of goods and services. However, advertising also has its critics who say that some advertising is deceptive or encourages an excessively materialistic culture or reinforces harmful stereotypes.
Today the speed of communication and transport means that people can connect anytime, anywhere across the globe. They exchange information by fax, e-mail and telephone. It also means that the sale of products and services is no longer restricted by national or geographical boundaries. To be truly successful in the marketplace, companies have to be successful on a global basis. Many companies have responded to this by extending not just their sales, rising personal income levels but their operations thus achieving transnational status. Most big advertising agencies fall into this category, with offices in major cities across the world. Within the context of a global marketplace, the company manufacturing the drink in England can find the way to sell it in New Zealand or Brasilia. Manufacturer needs the resources necessary for production and distribution, and they also need to inform their target market about their product. Transnational companies rely on advertising to inform potential consumers on the market. A global economy is only advantageous to manufacturers who have the resources to market and distribute their goods on a global scale, and to consumers who have the wealth to buy those goods.
At the moment, there are still significant differences between markets, with different regions showing preferences for different products. These different preferences may arise from something as basic as climate or may be the result of complex social or religious believes.
Advertising is the channel through which manufacturers communicate with consumers, and this channel becomes much more important when the manufacturer is from one continent and the consumer is from another. Advertising can make brands global, keeping local identity and significance. The future seems to depend of professions ability to meet challenges.…

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