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Number SystemKutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára11
... help you understand Binary Number System ... learn about Binary Number System, binary digit – ... binary digit (deciaml and binary base, decimal to binary ... two`s complement binary (how CPU ...
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Cultural Mythologies and
Oppositions in the Novel and Film, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop CafeEsszék középiskolák számára2
In the novel Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, Fannie Flagg upsets the dominant social norms of human interactions by comparing the heterosexual relationship of Evelyn ...
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Report in Informatics
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára22
PREFACE ‘’The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet ...
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Translating Proper Names and Fantastic Neologisms in the Harry Potter Books to Hungarian
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára36
... ) theory of the binary nature of the ...
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Corporeal Taboos in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and in Its Contemporary Adaptations
Záródolgozatok főiskolák/egyetemek számára43
TOP 5006. Conclusion I have examined how corporeality, spatiality and food taboos can be used in children’s literature to discipline the girl’s body or to endow it with tools for ...
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Remote Viewing
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára8
Conclusion The purpose of this review was to note the latest research on remote viewing and to see the difference in methodology and to compare the outcomes of results. Along with ...
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Prezentációk középiskolák számára14
hashing Important to use complex and unique passwords Hashing algorithms always produce the same hash for the same password Steps to «hacking»: Compute the hash for «password» ...
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Cool Girls, Femme Fatales, and Witches: Stereotypical Representations of Women in Hollywood Movies
Esszék főiskolák/egyetemek számára12
TOP 500IX. Conclusion In my paper, I have examined the narrative and socio-historical reasons behind the stereotypical representations of women, as well as the reinforcing effects of ...
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Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára18
The first computers were people! That is, electronic computers (and the earlier mechanical computers) were given this name because they performed the work that had previously been ...
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Trafficking in Human Beings
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára7
Conclusion 1. Trafficking in human beings in Europe is not a new phenomenon. 2. In the latest years it influence Latvia as well after when Eastern European countries opened their ...
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Movement of Hippies
Esszék középiskolák számára6
... potential of the binary opposition between subculture ...
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Literature Theory
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára18
1. `Belles-lettres – imaginative literature. Literature is specifically arranged language, said for specific purpose. Literature is written works, especially those valued for ...
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Theoretical Grammar - Syntax
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára21
CENTRAL AND PERIPHERIAL ELEMENTS OF THE CAUSE. peripheral element – not central, secondary. Sentence may consist of several clauses. In order to discuss syntactic functions of ...
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Basic Linux Commands
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára2
Command Example Description cat Sends file contents to standard output. This is a way to list the contents of short files to the screen. It works well with piping. cat . ...
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Structural Analysis of the Poem "Decomposition" by Zulfikar Ghose
Esszék középiskolák számára2
Following the comprehensive explanation of the basic theoretical implications of structuralism by Raman Selden (1989), it becomes clear that structuralists are interested mainly in ...
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Camera Calibration and Stereo Vision Using Python
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára17
There are many programs and software which can be used to perform and work with Stereo Vision , the one that I found quite well explained was in Mathcad. In conclusion I would say ...
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Home Reading "Microcontrollers"
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára4
... and does complex binary calculations; ROM (Read ...
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Safety on Board
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára112
TOP 500PN42O 1/1 What is the basic principle of fire prevention? Inspect the vessel at the end of each watch. VQMB9 1/2 Ideally the adjustable jet/spray nozzle on a hose should be ...
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Neural Network
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára4
First of all, when we are talking about a neural network, we should more properly say "artificial neural network" (ANN), because that is what we mean most of the time. Biological ...
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Medieval Music
Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára34
It has already been noted that, in the construction of the first Gothic church, the builder of St. Denis brought together many principles that had been developed separately ...
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Artificial Intelligence
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára10
Quite simple human behavior can be intelligent yet quite complex behavior performed by insects is unintelligent. What is the difference? Consider the behavior of the digger wasp, ...
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Development of Web Based Gravity Model for Forecasting the Commuters
Záródolgozatok főiskolák/egyetemek számára120
Értékelve.TOP 100This paper is concerned primarily with the way in which transport affects population migrations as well and hence regions’ growth and development. The main results of my ...
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System Education in Latvia and Finland
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára3
System education in Latvia and Finland I compare system education in Latvia and Finland and found it more similar then dissimilar. Both education systems consist of basic ...
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Esszék középiskolák számára1
Müll ist ein sehr großes Problem unserer Zeit. Wir können vielen Müll auf Straßen sehen. Darum der Menschennatur wird unordentlich verstreut. Unser größtes Problem besteht darin, ...