Gyorsan kedvencként jelölhet bármely dokumentumot. Remek!Osteoporosis
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára16
Értékelve.We had to write a report about medical things in English. So, I chose to write about osteoporosis. Why did I choose that disease? Nowadays are many diseases, things which are ...
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Bone Fractures
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára5
Bones form the skeleton of the body and allow the body to be supported against gravity and to move and function in the world. Bones also protect some body parts, and the bone ...
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The Long-Term Effects of Using Hormonal Contraception on Female Body and Health
Prezentációk általános iskolák számára10
Long-term disadvantages Stroke Blood clots Migraines Breast cancer Consequences on fertility Stroke Morbidity depends on the hormone dose Overall the risk is low 21.4 ...
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Studying Life, Chemistry
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára10
Nucleic acids are responsible for the storage, expression, and transmission of genetic information. The two classes of nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic ...
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Pathology Assignment
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára51
TOP 500The pathologies of the reproductive system INFERTILITY Infertility means you cannot make a baby (conceive). Infertility is grouped into two categories: • Primary infertility ...
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Acne Vulgaris
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára14
Prevention Once your acne improves or clears, you may need to continue your acne medication or other treatment to prevent new acne breakouts. In some cases, you might need to use ...
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Stress: The Silent Killer
Esszék főiskolák/egyetemek számára2
So, but how people reduce the stress? People use different ways to reduce their stress. Some of them use unhealthy ways of coping with stress, for example, smoking, drinking too ...
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News in Science
Prezentációk középiskolák számára13
Nineteen New Pieces of Ancient Retroviral DNA Found in Human Genome Nineteen previously unidentified pieces of non-human DNA — left by retroviruses that first infected human ...
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Do Humans Have Pheromones?
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára3
Then again, I have to remember the results of Wedekind's experiment in 1995 (Wedekind et al., 1995), where his team concluded that we tend to choose our partners which are ...