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968 Ft
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793 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

When the shoe was invented it's purpose was to protect the foot but it is now more of a fashion accessory. It has evolved and changed with the help of the designers. On analysing the work of the contemporary post-modernism designer Vivienne Westwood ( 1941 - ) and the more traditional art deco designer Salvatore Ferragamo ( 1898 - 1960 ) I have found that they have both influenced shoe designs in their own particular ways. I have focused on a variety of Westwood's designs from late 1980's to early 90's and Ferragamo's designs from 1935 - 1947. Both designers have made eccentric and notable impacts by the style , use of materials , shape and colour used in the making of their shoes.
Vivienne Westwood was born in Derbyshire , England in 1941. She began an immense career in fashion by designing and selling jewellery from a street market in London. By 1971 she had opened a clothes shop with Malcolm Mc Laren which originally sold second-hand clothes from the 1950's but soon started selling 'punk' clothes. Influenced mainly by the punk movement Westwood and Mc Laren began managing the famous punk band the 'Sex Pistols' in the seventies. …

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