Kiadva: 01.01.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'Teens and Sex', 1.
  • Esszék 'Teens and Sex', 2.

An increasing problem on high school campuses and one of the main
concerns of parents, school officials, and the government is teenage sex. It
is on the rise, and they are worried that it may get out of control. Teenage
sex can be a problem because of the pregnancies and many diseases it can
cause. One solution that has been proposed is to distribute condoms in
public high schools. This is a topic that is controversial and has been
hotly debated for years. There are people who think it would be a good idea
and those who think it may worsen the problem rather than solve it.
The reason…

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