• Cosmic Humanism to Secular Humanism from a Christian Perspective


    Esszék2 Vallás

Kiadva: 31.12.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'Cosmic Humanism to Secular Humanism from a Christian Perspective', 1.
  • Esszék 'Cosmic Humanism to Secular Humanism from a Christian Perspective', 2.

One of man's wrong objects of faith is himself. Humanism rests on the conviction that man's intellect as he uses the scientific method can bring solutions to all his problems and answers to all his questions. Man needs no outside help. He has in himself all the resources he needs. Moreover, humanism says that things will continue to get better and better. Some kind of cosmic force that lies behind evolution guarantees continued progress.
Today, Humanism is everywhere. Many Christian religions have adopted Humanistic ideas. Some believe that only those that are now considered "the religious right" by today's society are truly Christian and all other forms of Christianity are really Humanistic Christianity.

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