Kiadva: 20.03.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 1.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 2.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 3.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 4.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 5.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 6.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 7.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 8.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 9.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 10.
  • Kutatási anyagok 'Canada', 11.

Official name. Canada.
Status. An independent federative state, a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of GB.
Area. 9,976,000 sq. km (3,851,790 sq. mi).
Population. 30,1 mln
Nationality. Canadian.
Ethnic composition.
• About 40% are people of British origin.
• 30% are people of French origin.
• 1% are Indians and Eskimos.
• European minorities (Irish, German, Ukrainian, Scandinavian, Italian, Dutch, Polish).
The “Open Door” policy of immigration which began in the 1890s has meant that Canada’s population is varied.
Language. English, French are both official languages. 20% of the population speak only French, while 13% speak both French and English.
Religion. Roman Catholics 46%, Protestants 41%.
Education. Literacy: 99%.
Canada has about 50 universities. Among them are:
- New Brunswick (Fredericton, 1785),
- Dalhousie (Halifax, 1818),
- McGill (Montreal, 1821),
- Toronto (1827),
- Laval (Quebec, 1852) – French language university,
- Montreal (1876) – French language university.
Capital. Ottawa (920,800).
Currency. Dollar.
• Is situated in the north of North America continent.
• Is the 2nd world’s largest country.
• Is bordered by the USA.
• Its only neighbour is the USA.
• Is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the East, by the Pacific Ocean in the West.
• Is about 7,730 km from east to west.
• Shares with the USA 7 of the world’s largest lakes.
• Contains 3 of the globe’s longest 20 rivers.
• Is blessed with the most fresh water of any country.

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