• A Review of the Article "Introducing Percents in Linear Measurement to Foster an Understanding of Rational-Number Operations"


    Esszék1 Pedagógia, Pszichológia

Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'A Review of the Article "Introducing Percents in Linear Measurement to Foster an', 1.

In this day and age, it does not seem unusual to try and discover new ways of teaching and learning, incorporating tools and manipulative, and yet we cannot seem to cause every teacher to grasp this. I remember in my humanities classes growing up, all the different times my teacher gave out "learning strategy tests" so we could see what was the best way for us to learn, orally, kinetically or visually. Unfortunately, I cannot remember ever doing this in my math or science classes. This article does a fine job of showing a new way of approaching a difficult subject and how some students respond receptively to it. If teachers can make it a habit of showing a variety of ways to do problems when they see not all the children are grasping a subject then we can give them a better chance at succeeding in other subjects.…

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