Kiadva: 01.01.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'Critical Essay on "The Great Gatsby" by Fitzgerald', 1.
  • Esszék 'Critical Essay on "The Great Gatsby" by Fitzgerald', 2.

The quote 'material without being real' shows the
emptiness of an existence with the realization of a
tainted ideal. Fittingly, this quote from Nick is placed
after Daisy leaves Gatsby. Nick is imagining what Gatsby
would be thinking if he had understood that the goal,
winning Daisy and her materialistic insubstantiality, was
unworthy of his effort. Fitzgerald does not specifically
state if Gatsby is or is not waiting for the phone call
from Daisy.

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