Kiadva: 31.08.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban
  • Esszék 'Biography on Robert Hooke', 1.

Robert Hooke was born on July 18, 1635, in Freshwater, on Wight Island. His father was a minister who was his home-school teacher. He was an art Apprentice while being taught at home also. When he was thirteen years old Robert attended Westminster School, and later Oxford where some of the best scientists in England were working. Robert Hooke impressed them with his skills at designing and building equipments. He soon became an assistant to Robert Boyle, a chemist. In 1662 Hooke was named Curator of Experiments of London's Royal Society which meant that he was responsible for demonstrating new experiments at the Society's weekly meetings. After that he became a professor of Geometry at Gresham College in London. He died on March 3, 1703.…

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