Gyorsan kedvencként jelölhet bármely dokumentumot. Remek!The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula by
Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, MilanEsszék főiskolák/egyetemek számára1
... on the late Caravaggio painting, which had ... . Michelangelo Merisi alias Caravaggio is an Italian ... gun use. Although Caravaggio is considered to ...
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"The Denial of St. Peter" by
Esszék középiskolák számára1
The elements most abundant in this piece are that of color, light and shadow, and space. These are the primary elements most apparent, though other elements are present in the ...
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The Violence of
Esszék középiskolák számára3
The Violence of Caravaggio Caravaggio is considered to ...
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Law for Business
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára6
... suitable to tow caravan and she was ... to tow the caravan. In this case ... microwave in the caravan. But there was ...
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Borrowings in English
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára4
Dutch Origin LANDSCAPE “It is difficult to assess the actual human toll, even in a landscape of toppled trees and houses and bloated farm animals that resembles the devastation ...
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M.Ondaatje's Novel "The English Patient"
Esszék főiskolák/egyetemek számára2
Bloodshed and brutality are the things that the contemporary century is notorious for. What a cruelty and an injustice we have undergone! The terror of war is indescribable! Only ...
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Biogrampie d`Arthur Rimbaud
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára18
La vie de Rimbaud a marqué tous les biographes par sa curieuse incohérence. Dans l'enfant puis le jeune collégien de Charleville, on devine bien le poète qui composera en quatre ...
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Turkey Tour
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára11
Itinerary Riga – Istanbul – Edirne – Istanbul - Ankara – Cappadocia – Ankara – Antalya – Pamukkale – Izmir – Kusadasi – Izmir – Troy – Bursa – Istanbul - Riga Transport Air ...
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Improving Existing Loyalty Programme in H10 Hotel Chain
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára68
12. Conclusion In order to answer the main problem proposal, answers to sub questions must be given first. During the analysis it was determined that on average 1/3 of the total ...
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Differences between British and American English Languages
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára22
Értékelve.Introduction The theme of my work is "Differences between British and American English languages". I have chosen this theme, because there are vast differences in culture between ...
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Spiritual Music
Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára36
Folk music is characterized by its integration into daily life or its function as a means of passing time while engaged in activities such as work or travel. Work songs, children’s ...
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The Peculiarities of Translating Expressive Texts
Záródolgozatok főiskolák/egyetemek számára47
Értékelve.TOP 100Within the field of written works, expressive texts are the peaces of evidence that keep both – the aesthetic and the practical value of the language, without narrowing it to any ...
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Czech Republic
Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára6
General description In 1989 Czechoslovakia divides into two parts. One named as Slovakia, but other as Czech Republic. I will presentate you a little bit about Czech Republic. ...
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Salvador Dali
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek általános iskolák számára3
... painters such as Caravaggio and Rembrandt. Here ...
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Tourism in Germany
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára22
Germany is rich by its tourist recourses. Each land has a lot of various places of interest. «Come and be enchanted by the HISTORIC HIGHLIGHTS OF GERMANY!» - This is the motto ...
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1000 Proverbs in the English Language
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára30
TOP 5001. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. Плохое начало ведет к плохому концу. Ср. Плохому началу — плохой конец. Плохое начало не к доброму концу. 2. A bad corn promise is better ...
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Modern English Period
Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára4
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Society of Pakistan
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára25
Introduction Many people think that Pakistan and people that live there are poor, uneducated and undeveloped, but I think that every country and every culture has something ...
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Little Prince's Authors Biography
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára3
Értékelve.Antoine Marie Roger de Saint-Exupery was a French pilot, poet and author. Born in Lyon, France on June 29, 1900, Saint-Exupery dreamt of becoming a naval officer, but was refused ...
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New Zealand Transport
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek középiskolák számára3
... and vehicles (cars, caravans, motorhomes etc) may ...
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Computer Player Strategy Builder Guide
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára95
Értékelve.TOP 500Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion uses an all-new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert System to act as the intelligence behind the computer players. This expert system ...
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Company "Damixa"
Kutatási anyagok főiskolák/egyetemek számára31
INTRODUCTION Interpretation Damixa: We have put our primary focus on the abroad markets which is Germany and Russia. We analyzed the abroad markets because they share similar and ...
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Tourism in Portugal
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára16
1.General facts about Portugal 1.1. Location Portugal is situated at the south-west point of Europe and also included the Madeira and Azores archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean. ...
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Tourism and the Hospitality Industry" by Joseph D.Fridgen
Összefoglalók, jegyzetek főiskolák/egyetemek számára4
The last 20 to 30 years have brought dramatic technological changes which gave left no sector untouched, including travel and tourism. Advances in aviation and rail have fostered ...
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Characters and Main Discoveries Reading the "Little Prince" by De Saint-Exupéry
Kutatási anyagok középiskolák számára12
The Little Prince (French: Le petit prince), published in 1943, is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's (June 29, 1900 – presumably July 31, 1944) most famous novella, which ...