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Kiadva: 12.05.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

You see the president slump forward after the throat shot and then get rocked backwards by the head shot. Obviously the force of the speeding bullet coming from behind the president is knocking him forward and the bullet in front of him is knocking him back. But the Warren Report says differently.
The Warren Commission, which was set up by President Johnson, was the official report of the assassination of JFK. Examining the evidence, the Warren Report is based upon leads to the conclusion that, at best, the Commission took great liberties in smoothing over contradictions in the information and failed to follow up on evidence suggesting that Oswald had confederates. As evidence came in, the Commission went with what it believed. The Warren report was obviously written with the conclusion already in mind. This allowed the writers of the report to choose the evidence which lead to the conclusion. This is shown that even after seeing the x-rays of the head shot and the video; the writers of the report entered this image as an autopsy diagram.

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