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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 10.05.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

It was the year 1934, I was a adolescent chap, at the time just 16 years old, I joined the "Royall Hollands Vloot" (The Royal Dutch Army), after leaving school early not allowing me to continue my studies due to world war one and the great depressions effects on my parent financial condition. I was the last of 14 children living with my parents, and my 12 older brothers had moved on with there lives after, my oldest Dennis died in the late stages of the war during a barbaric bombing attack by the Russian's. My parents were getting old and hated the topic of war, and I agree they had the right too, their son and my brother died in the conflict.
When taking time to look over my parent finical potential, I realized they would never be able to live without a household income, this brought on my decision to take a risk and join the army who agreed to pay me enough to support my parents, and I, even though I was a high school drop out. I regrettably soon found out it was to be the worst decision I had ever made.

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