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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 07.05.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

We act like animals, we eat like animals, and we are animals. The many theories of evolution such as Darwin's theory of evolution prove to us that we choose to believe that we are not animals when we really are. Evolution is the sequencial process of change over periods of time, which shapes and establishes the formation of modern man.
In referring to evolution, the word means various changes. Evolution refers to the fabrication and development of life on earth. "Organic evolution" is the concept that all living beings evolved from simple organisms and have changed throughout the periods of time to create many and various types of species. Organic evolution is better known as the "theory of evolution." There are three main theories of evolution, which are, the early theories proposed by Comte de Buffon, Baron Cuvier, and Lamarck, the synthetic theory, and the Darwin theory.
In the 1700s, French naturalists, Comte de Buffon and Baron Cuvier concluded with the studies of fossils and comparative anatomy that life on earth had endured many changes through a long period of time. In the early 1800s, another French naturalist named Lamark, proposed the first complete theory of evolution. He observed through is observations, depending on the extent to which the use of the structure, that an animal's body structure is able to change during its life span. He also noted that organs and muscles, which were used often, tended to become larger and stronger. On the contrary, the organs and muscles, which were used seldom, tended to become smaller and diminish. With these observations, Lamarck concluded that these characteristics were hereditary.

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